LCRW MONTHLY MEETINGS are the 1st Friday each month.
We are arranging TWO seatings for our monthly luncheon meeting on February 5. Plans include a trial run to accommodate more members having the ability to attend our meeting and to hear our program speaker. Since we must abide by the strict and enforced limit of only 25 people in attendance at the Green Meadow Country Club, having two seatings gives an opportunity to support the LCRW by attending one of the two timelines for the meeting.
We will continue to reserve your spot via the first-come/first-served information received.
SEATING #1 – 10:30 AM BRUNCH – We will follow the same format of invocation, pledge, various business needs and our speaker/program, although the schedule within the meeting may be altered as needed. We must vacate the room no later than Noon so the staff can ‘turn it over’ for the 1 PM lunch. Please plan for punctual arrival.
SEATING #2 – 1 PM LUNCH – Again, the same format we have always used will be followed, although the schedule within the meeting may be slightly different. Our speaker will give her presentation, as well. Please plan for punctual arrival.
We urge you to make your reservations early.
Cost: $16
Our location is: Green Meadow Country Club, 2720 Country Club Avenue, Helena MT
Speaker: Jennifer Fielder, Public Service Commission
Please plan for a punctual arrival to help this new schedule to run as smoothly as possible for everyone involved.
Lunch served as you arrive.
Reservations are Required and MUST be received by 5:00pm the Monday prior to the luncheon!
Contact: Debbie Churchill at or (406) 799-8506 to Reply for our next Luncheon Meeting.